Monday, April 25, 2011

Eastertide: Jesus is alive!

Jesus is alive!
On Friday you witnessed a gruesome and unreasonable death on Golgotha. A man was slain and tortured and died a horrible death.

But Easter Sunday was completely different. On Easter Sunday we see the eternal transformation of the Messiah. We see Christ, now raised and with heavenly qualities! And it is not only Jesus who is transformed by his resurrection. His followers are too. Their sorrow is turned into Easter joy! Despair is turned into hope! Unbelief is changed into faith.

Jesus is alive, because his work in and amongst us has not been completed:
Jesus has not finished his work when it comes to Mary Magdalene. He meets her in the garden. He talks to her. Do you see the change in Mary? She was crying. She was sad. She was upset. But now she was filled with excitement and she brought joyful news to the disciples!

Jesus is alive. Jesus still has to restore the joy of his people.
He appears before the disciples and they are "overjoyed" (Jn 20:20). He sends them to tell others about the Good News that he is alive. (Jn 20:21). Jesus gives them his Spirit (Jn 20:22) and gives them the authority to proclaim the forgiveness of sins (Jn 20:23).

Jesus is alive! His work is not finished. He knows there are doubters and skeptics. He appears to Thomas. Thomas sees Jesus and he believes (Jn 20:28). "My Lord and my God!" he says to Jesus (Jn 20:28). Thomas receives assurance of faith.

Jesus is alive. He has not finished his work. He speaks to Peter about his denial. He forgives him. He ordains him a shepherd of his flock. He takes away his fear and gives him the back bone he needs to do Gods work.

Jesus is alive! He still has not finished his work. He is thinking of you and me. We do not see Jesus' hands, feet and side. He does not appear to us in the same way he appeared to them during the days before his ascension. But by his Word and Spirit Jesus works faith in us. Jesus refers to us when he says, "blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed" (Jn 20:29).

Jesus works in you and me, every day!
Because he is alive!

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