Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Advent 2010: Worship with Mary

Mary,the mother of Jesus, glorified God in a song. In her song she said that the name of God is holy. What name did she have in mind? In her song she called God "LORD," "God my Saviour," and "Mighty One."

Mary, of course, was raised a Jew and knew God by all his Hebrew names. She knew him as El-Shaddai — this is "God of the Mountains" or "The Almighty God" with all power, might and strength. She knew him as El-Elyon — this is "The Most High God" or "The Exalted One." She knew him as El-Olam — this is "God of Eternity," the God above and beyond time and space, the God who is sovereign for all eneternity. She knew him as El-Berith — this is the "God of the covenant," the God who remains faithful from generation to generation. She knew him as Adonai — this is "Lord," a title of authority, rule and honour. She knew him as Ancient of Days, Rock, Refuge, Fortress, Shield, Sun, Refiner. She knew him as Judge, Shepherd, and Father.

You may wonder why the Lord is described by so many names? Because the beauty, the fullness, and the magnificence of God cannot be expressed by just one name.

When reading the New Testament we find there are as many different names for Jesus as there are for God.
Jesus is the Chief Cornerstone, the Living Bread, the Hidden Treasure, the Way, Life and Truth, the Sure Foundation, the Great Physician, the Great Teacher, Lord of the Harvest, the Rock of Ages, the True Vine, the Righteous Judge, the True Witness, the Good Tidings of Great Joy, the Wisdom of God, the Good Master, the Giver of Rest, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world, the Son of the Living God, the Saviour, the Redeemer and Lord of all!

Why Jesus is described by so many names? Because the beauty, the fullness, and the magnificence of Jesus cannot be expressed by just one name.

Why did Mary praise the name of God? An angel appeared to Mary, called her blessed and favoured and announced her privilege to give birth to the Messiah, although she would remain a virgin. The angel also announced that her cousin, Elizabeth, is going to have a child. And then the angel adds this: "For nothing is impossible with God."

No wonder Mary glorified the holy Name of the Lord. The Mighty One does great things to save his people. As Mary put it, God:
"has been mindful of the humble state of his servant ...(51) He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts. (54) He has helped his servant Israel, remembering to be merciful (55) to Abraham and his descendants forever, even as he said to our fathers." (Luke 1:48, 51, 54,55) ...

From Mary’s example we learn how to respond to God’s holy majesty. We respond in praise and worship. We sing great songs and carols. We worship him. We praise his holy Name! This is what Mary did when she realized the holiness of God’s Name. She said, "My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour ..." (Lk 1:46-47).

We also should respond in worship when the coming Kingdom of the Christ of God is proclaimed to us. When Mary was commissioned by God to become pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit and carry the Son of God, she said "I am the Lord's servant. May it be to me as you have said" (Lk 1:38). She did not argue, complain or whine. She surrendered to God and his plan for her life. She became a follower of Christ even before she became his mother.

The Mighty God who acted so powerfully the first Christmas, is able to do everything. Nothing is impossible with God, the angel said to Mary. To him we also want to be obedient. Like Mary, we also want to worship our awesome God.
"Holy is his name."

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