Friday, December 17, 2010

Advent 2010: Lord, come to us as everlasting Father

Isaiah tells us in Isa 9:6, 7 that the Messiah is called "Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."
The Messiah is, amongst other things, our "Everlasting Father."

Christ is like a father to us. The reason that God became one of us, a man of flesh and blood, was to care and provide for us, to protect us and always and in al circumstances be there for us.

When he is called “everlasting”, we come face to face with the Messiah as eternal God. In whatever way he decides to look after us, he can – he is able to – because he is our eternal God who will forever be a loving Provider to his people.

The truth is, that Messiah Jesus is everything we will ever need of a Saviour. He amongst many other things, is our "Everlasting Father." We can always expect compassion from him. We can always and forever come to him with our needs for mercy, love and forgiveness. Christ is always with us. Always listening and caring. We can always depend on him. Eternally he remains a father to his disciples.

Be blessed during this Advent Season when you realise that nothing can ever separate you from the love of God in Jesus our Saviour. He comes to us as a father. He will always be a father to us. Name whatever danger, problem or issue you may think about, and it will not be able to separate you from the love and care of Christ Jesus as our Everlasting Father.

Come Lord Jesus, and take care of me!

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