Monday, November 29, 2010

Advent 2010 - Joseph was righteous and merciful

Matt. 1: 19 tells us that Joseph was "a righteous man." This means he was God-fearing and law-abiding. He was a simple and honest man. The Christmas story gives us a glimpse into Joseph's righteousness.

We are told that "Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph." This means Joseph and Mary had already gone through the first step of making marriage vows and were for that reason considered husband and wife. We are also told that Mary was found with child "before they came together." This means Joseph had yet to take Mary into his home.

At this point Joseph knew only one thing about the child Mary expected: that he was not the father. He thought this could only mean that another man had slept with his wife. As a law abiding man he could not and would not take Mary into his home. As a righteous man, Joseph could not take a wife who was an adulteress. As a righteous man, Joseph could not take a wife home who was not a virgin.

Joseph was righteous, but he was also a merciful, caring, and compassionate man. He did not want to humiliate Mary. He did not want to shame her in front of all the world. He did not want to publicly accuse her of a serious sin. He did not want to subject her to a community trial. He did not want her to be stoned to death. So he decided to divorce Mary quietly. As a truly righteous man, Joseph showed love. As a righteous man, Joseph showed love not only for God, but also for his fellow-man.

Righteous Joseph was and is an example for Christians everywhere to follow and imitate.
As we wait to meet the Messiah, not as a helpless Babe, but as the holy Judge who will come on the clouds, we want to be found to be righteous and merciful.
This can only happen if we are are saved from our sin, ourselves and from God’s enemies by Jesus, because he was born to save us from our sins and to give us his righteousness and mercy.

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