Saturday, July 13, 2013

Liturgical Prayers for Sunday 14 July 2013.

Liturgical Prayers for Sunday (14 July 2013).

Call to worship:  Matthew 11:28-30
28 “Come to me, all you who carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29Take the yoke I give you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy to bear and my burden is light.”

Christ calls us to come and find rest in worship,
to find the wisdom that Christ Jesus can teach of life,
to become selfless and generous and
to return to the world and carry his burden, to serve!
Let us worship God.

Prayer of the Confession of sins
Lord God, almighty Creator of heaven and earth.
In your mercy and by your grace, listen to our prayers and grant us your peace!

Lord, we know that we are weaker and more flawed than we want to admit, but in Christ we know that we are more loved and accepted than we ever dared to hope.
Even as we have not loved you or our neighbor with all our heart, you have shown your love for us, in that while we were sinners, Christ, your Son, died for us and took upon himself the condemnation that we deserve.
Enable us to turn away from trusting in our own efforts to increase your love and find forgiveness, and to trust in the perfectly righteous work of our Lord, Jesus, on our behalf, that we may be accepted by you and enter into your beloved family.
As you, Father, raised Christ from the dead by the work of your Spirit, so we ask that you would give us a new life in Christ too, one that will eventually lead to heaven itself.
And as you, Lord, have called us to follow you in a life of committed discipleship in your church, grant that we may do whatever it takes to be one with your people, and to live in the wealth of your Spirit.

Prayer of Intercession.
Almighty and ever-living God, who taught us in your Word to pray for, and to give thanks for all people: now we humbly ask that you would, in your mercy, receive our prayers.

Father, always inspire your universal Church with the courage to stand by the truth and inspire us of unity and friendship; and grant that everything we do will glorify your Name and may agree with your holy Word.  Give us through sharing in the faith that your Word is the truth, a life of unity with all your children, where we may share in the love you desire all of us to enjoy.

Righteous God, bring to a fall everyone that causes discord and disharmony in your church and in your mercy and by your grace, save them through repentance and through faith in your Son from your judgment, which you ordained for all who rip your Body apart through pride, selfishness and insubordination of your will and your Word.. 

Dear Lord, lead the nations of our world in the way of righteousness and peace and direct all governments that under them all people, and your holy Church, may be able to live holy and quiet lives.
Bless the president of the Republic and all in authority under him, that they may truly and impartially administer justice, sustain the weak and vulnerable, promote growth and prosperity and punish wickedness, for the sake of your people and for the sake of the peace and safety of our nation. 

Give grace, O heavenly Father, to all who serve your church as office bearers, as elders and stewards, as leaders and servants of the Word, that they may both by their life and their doctrine be an example of the truth of your Word and of the life of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. 

Guide and prosper all who spread your true gospel and enlighten with your Spirit every place of education and learning that our country may be filled with skilled people that can grow to become independent, contributing adults. Above all, grant us teachers that promote the knowledge of your truth that enables fruitful and happy lives.

Dear God and Lord of love, give to this, your Church and our faith community, humble hearts, true révérence and devout obedience when we receive your holy Word today that we may serve you in holiness and righteousness all the days of our lives.

Gracious Father, keep and comfort all of your people who are in trouble, who are mourning, in need, who are sick or experience any other difficulties.

Grant this, O Father, for Jesus Christ's sake, who is our only mediator and redeemer, through the work of your Holy Spirit in us and in the world.

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