Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Growing together!

The common goal in the Body of Christ is the growth of the body. As each member does his individual part, it causes the growth of the body as a whole. The Body is responsible for the building up of itself in love as it ministers to each member.

Ephesians 4: 16: From Christ, the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

God has decided that our growth in the Lord occurs as a result of living in community. He makes us a spiritual body of believers where we learn to be more like him every day. He has given teachers, servants of the Head, to equip us for God’s work. He has called us to work together in community in order to be his Body.

Do you understand the implication of living and worshiping in the Body? We are a community of God's people who have been brought into a living union with God and with one another. We need one another in order to grow and to help the Body to grow.

Watchman Nee said, “Yet just what kind of a man is he who perceives the Body? He is a person who seeks for fellowship, who fears that he himself may be wrong, and who dare not work independently. Such is the person who has discerned the Body.”

We work and worship together in order to grow together, to show our love for Jesus and bear the fruit of the Spirit for every one’s benefit. That is what Body Life is all about. Have you started to live the Body Life yet?

Prayer: O Lord, through your grace and mercy I see not only the Body – but that I am part of this divine plan to do your work. Make me a diligent, loving, serving and giving member as I experience the Body Life, depending only on you. Amen.

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