Monday, November 1, 2010


Col 2:5 “For though I am absent from you in body, I am present with you in spirit and delight to see how orderly you are and how firm your faith in Christ is.”

Orderly here means disciplined. If you’re going to really know Christ, you must discipline yourself to study, to pray, and to serve. You must have a plan and then follow the plan. It will not happen by accident. And it will not happen unless you make it a priority. Our faith can grow to be a firm foundation of a life that makes an impact through loving effort and focuses on the mystery of God, even Jesus Christ, our Saviour.

Here is the lesson. A life worth living requires discipline, so we must be intentional. We must order our lives in such a way that we plan to get to know God better. We must order our time in such a way that we make opportunities to serve God, to worship God, to listen to God and to respond to his leading.

Jesus Christ has already made the first move. He reached out to us in love. He gave his life for us on the cross. He died there to pay for our sins. He was not passive. And just as he was proactive, so must we be. If we want to grow in our knowledge of God, we must pursue Christ actively.

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