Monday, September 12, 2011

Jesus said: Remember Me

Luke 22: 19 "Do this in remembrance of me."
This is a command. It is amazing that Jesus commands us to "remember" him as if it were even possible for us to forget him and his cross. How can we possibly forget him who died for us and rose for us? How can we possibly forget him who redeemed us and saved us? How can we possibly forget him who changed us and planted new life in us?

Yet, we do forget. We so easily forget the centrality of Jesus to our faith. We so easily forget that the message of the cross and the grave lies at the centre of our faith. We so easily forget that Christ is our only hope and our only comfort in life and in death. We so easily forget that Christ is the only way to the Father's throne. We so easily think other things are more important than his cross and resurrection. We so easily become distracted from the first things. We let issues and work and family problems and things push Jesus and the Gospel aside. It is so easy for our hearts to wander away from Jesus because our hearts are prone to wander.

"Do this in remembrance of me." Our Lord Jesus has given us a way to always remember him. He has made provision that we never will forget the cross. He has given us the Lord's Supper to celebrate.
So, yesterday we came to do what Jesus commanded. We came to remember. We came not to forget.
And the Lord blessed us graciously.

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