Friday, April 9, 2010

Where is Jesus now?

Where is Jesus now? With the church of all ages, with those who profess their faith Sunday after Sunday, we say "He has risen indeed!" He is not in the grave.

Where is Jesus? The disciples and the women initially thought that Jesus would remain in the grave. He suffered, he was rejected and he died, he was buried. End of story. Isn't this the belief of liberals and unbelievers today? Don't they believe Jesus never rose from the grave?

And this is not the only wrong belief about where Jesus is. One cannot help but notice that in certain traditions Jesus is still depicted as being on the cross. For them he is still being sacrificed every single day. He is still shedding his blood every single day. He is still suffering and dying every single day.

But look, the cross is empty! And, his tomb is empty!

Where is Jesus? On the cross? In the grave? NO! He is off the cross. He is out of the grave. He has risen indeed! He is alive!
He is at the right of the Father in heaven!
And he is with us, always, till the end of time.
To him has been given all authority in heaven and on earth.

This is our profession to the world.
And this is our confession as the people of God.

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