Monday, April 26, 2010

Called to be Saints!

Do you know God's wonderful purpose for your life?
If we can understand what God's purpose for us is, then that purpose can be accomplished in our lives. We will walk from a different perspective, seeing our lives in the light of God's purposes, and consequently we will be able to live a life that matters.

The primary purpose for the Gospel is found in the first phrase in Rom 1: 5. When Paul says that he received his mission as an apostle “through Christ and for his Name's sake”, he is revealing the central place that God holds in God’s purpose for us. It all begins and ends with God. It is all by his grace and for his glory. We are to live to exalt our Saviour.

But three secondary purposes of the Gospel are also mentioned in Rom 1: 5 - 7.
A secondary purpose is to effect our salvation. Paul tells us that he received grace and apostleship to call people from among all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith. (Rom 1:5)
The obedience that comes from faith concerns the foundation of our walk with God. The call of God is a call to obey. Paul makes it clear that for faith to be considered real and viable, it must be revealed in obedience - it must be made visible.

A second secondary purpose of the Gospel is to enhance our significance in the work of Christ. You see, like the Roman Christians, we are loved by God. This is what gives us our true significance. (Rom 1:7)
God loves you. He has accepted you. There is nothing you can do for God to love you more. God doesn't change you so that he can love you; He loves you in order to change you. It is his love that changes you. Surrender to that love. In Christ you are significant, because God loves you.

The final secondary purpose of the Gospel mentioned here is to establish our sainthood. Paul declares that all in Rome, indeed all Christians, are called to be saints. (Rom 1: 7)

“Saint” is a good biblical term applied to all believers. It comes from a Greek word which literally means "holy." To be a saint, in the New Testament sense of the word, is to be a "holy one." To be "holy" in the biblical sense of the term, is simply to be saved in Christ and to belong to God.

This is who we really are. It has been said that some people can't get saved because they will not accept their “sinnership”, and that some Christians can't walk in victory because they will not accept their sainthood. And it is true. Unless we know our true position in Christ, we will never begin to live from that perspective. We are saints because of our position in and through Christ. We are not saints because we achieved perfection, but because we are made holy, meaning we are set apart for God, by his grace and mercy. This is what you must begin to see by faith: You are a saint.
Do you see the purpose of the Gospel? Do you see how that purpose impacts your life?

Therefore, exalt your Saviour, effect your Salvation, enhance your Significance and establish your Sainthood!

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