Thursday, July 2, 2015

Unite in prayer, for worldwide peace.

Christ calls us to come to rest in his divine love,
to rest from the things that are troubling us,
to learn what Christ teaches of life and life's challenges,
to commit to what we can offer others,
and go to the ends of the world to serve the love of the Lord for the sake of a lost world, bleeding and in pain!
May all Christians, all denominations, all followers of Jesus Christ unite in prayer for worldwide peace!

Shall we not unite in prayer for the world to find true peace, justice and love in Christ Jesus?
Christians across the globe, petition our Lord to intervene and make us instruments of his peace and grace!

Imagine the impact when every church that believes in the living Lord, begin to pray!
When the Body of Christ becomes the incarnate word, love and mercy of Christ, amongst others using the internet and the powerful social media, to claim the great shalom that the one and only God shares with his people, when we humble ourselves before him, and in faith avail ourselves as peacemakers. Then  we will be blessed and called children of God (Matt. 5:9).

Is this not the Church that Jesus desires – united in love, and as such drawing a lost world to the Truth, the Way and the Life, Jesus Christ, our Lord?

Pray for a human race at war with itself!
Pray for the world. 
For victims of war and radical extremism amongst all faith groupings.
For victims of prejudice, hate speech, abhorrence and persecution!
For victims of sexism, racism and ethnic supremacy anywhere and everywhere.

Pray for peace, for rest, for the love of God to cover and heal the wounds and to restore joy because -
God is love!

Pray for wise leaders in political, economical and faith communities.
That the Spirit of the Lord will guide our leaders, protect our children and summon those who have influence and power to make peace and bring harmony to a torn and broken humanity.

Pray that the Holy Spirit will pour out the Saviour’s love on all God’s children!
Today, and in church on Sundays, and at our small group meetings and hours of prayer - lets unite in prayer for worldwide peace and dignity for every human being.

Unite in prayer, for worldwide peace.
Be blessed that the world may call us true children of God
and will return to the God of love!


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