Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Seven paintings of Christmas!

If I were an artist I would have painted a Christmas that captures more than the physical images we are so used to.

The first painting depicts a dove, the symbol for the Holy Spirit, superimposed upon the image of a young woman. The caption at the bottom says:  “Nothing is impossible with God”.

The second portrays an angel talking to a serious looking young man distraught about a pregnant girl-friend. The caption reads, "Conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary."

The third painting would be one of a barn. Through the open door we see a man, a woman, an ox, a donkey, and a sheep or two. Then you would notice that all of these are not important at all, for painted in the middle of the picture is a Child in a manger and the caption reads, "Emmanuel – God with us!"

The fourth would be an illustration of an angel, in the heavens, reading an announcement from a scroll. The caption says, "Good news of great joy... for all the people."

The fifth painting would depict a cross and a grave. The cross is surrounded by darkness and stained with blood. The grave is surrounded by light and filled with glory. The caption says, "Today in the city of David, a Saviour has been born to you."

The sixth portrays Christ surrounded by a bright light, the blaze of many suns. The caption says, "Sun of righteousness." And, it says, "The Light of the world!"

The seventh and last painting would be of a throne, a crown, and a purple robe superimposed upon a Baby in a manger. The caption reads, "Christ the Lord."

Merry Christmas!

You can down load the Christmas Day Sermon on the Paintings of Christmas, in MP3 format on this page:  http://www.centurionwest.co.za/sermons.htm

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