Friday, March 21, 2014

Daily Lenten Prayers

Loving Lord,
You gave us your Son to be our food and our life!
Help us to listen carefully to the message of the cross
that we may celebrate your love every day of our Lenten journey,
that our lives may reveal him more clearly
and we may be witnesses to him.
Help us to experience joyful praise in Lent!
Help me to understand and embrace
the mystery of the Lamb of atonement,
the beauty of this season, and not to run from the pain,
but to see your saving grace and how your loving touch in my life
can fill me with the joyful praise of the salvation
you have sent to me.
In Jesus Name.

Loving Father,
So many times we turn away from you
and you always welcome us back.
May we walk in the newness of life in you, our Saviour.
Your mercy and love give us confidence.
As we journey during Lent, give us a new heart
filled with compassion, as you have compassion on us.
Help us to await the Easter joy with hope in you,
the hope in Christ who died and rose for us.

O God of mercy who understands my needs!,
I know that with the help of the Holy Spirit
I can open my heart more fully
to the  deepest meaning  of the suffering and death
of your only begotten Son, our Lord:
The meaning of the submissive humility of God who became a man
and his compassion that nailed Him to his cross.
Help me to imitate his modesty during my Lenten journey,
to become a true neighbour to those in distress,
and a good Samaritan to those in trouble,
while I remember that the mercy I receive
is a gift from you, my Lord and my God.
Through Jesus my Redeemer.  Amen.

do not deal with us as our sins deserve.
Remember not my iniquities of the past;
may your compassion today come to us,
even though we do not deserve your compassion or love.
Lord, do not deal with us as our sins deserve.
Help us, O God our Saviour,
that your Name may be glorified,
that your Kingdom may come
and your will be done!
Deliver us and pardon our sins
that we may be set free and for your name's sake.
Lord, do not deal with us as our sins deserve. Amen! – see Psalm 79

God of Love,
through this Lenten journey,
cleanse my desires to serve only you.
Free me from the temptations to judge others,
to place myself above others.
Deliver me from my impatience with others,
that with your love and by your grace,
I might be less engaged with myself,
and more filled with the desire
to follow you, in laying down my life
according to the example of Jesus Christ, my Lord.  Amen

Loving God,
I hear your invitation, "Come back to me"
and I am filled with such a longing to return to you.
Show me the way to return.
Show me the Truth, the Way and the Life!
Show me Jesus!
Lead me this day in good works I do in your name
and for your sake
and send your Spirit to guide me and strengthen my faith.
Let me only know your love today.

Loving God and Father,
I am your child and yet I too often turn my back
on your love.
Accept my acts of sorrowful repentance today
and release me from the selfishness
that closes my ears to hear your Word
and closes my heart to your love and forgiveness.
As I journey through Lent,
let me remember the feast you have prepared for me,
the wedding feast of the Lamb, in the resurrection
and let me be filled with gratitude that helps me to live for your glory.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

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