Sunday, February 23, 2014

Liturgical Prayers for Public Worship - The Lord exalted!

Call to worship:
Ps 92: 1 – 8   It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O Most High,  proclaiming your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night.  For you make me glad by your deeds,  Lord; I sing for joy at what your hands have done.  How great are your works, Lord, how profound your thoughts!
You, Lord, are forever exalted.
Father, Son and Holy Spirit:  bring glory to your Name through our worship today! Amen.

Prayer of praise.  Gracious and merciful God -   your only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, came to us in your Name to comfort and help us, to redeem and save us and to reveal your glory to us.  Jesus have freed us from the slavery of sin, redeemed us through his death and delivered us when he rose to be exalted at the right hand of God. You have sent upon us your Holy Spirit and now we may come before our God and our Deliverer us a people of Your own possession.
To you, glorious Father, with your Son and your Holy Spirit, be honour and praise forever and ever.

Prayer for the forgiveness of sins:
Father, give us repentant hearts and sincere sorrow because we disappointed you!
(a few moments of silence)
Holy God, forgive us the wrongs we have done as we also forgive those who have wronged us.
Keep us from temptation, and save us from evil.
Almighty Lord, you are merciful and your love endures forever. As far as the east is from the west, so far do you remove our sins from us.   (Ps.103:8,12)
In the Name of our Lord Jesus, crucified for us, help us to love, as you loved,
help us to live as you lived and to be victorious through your resurrection power.

Before Reading and Preaching.
Father, you alone are our God and you only have the words that give eternal life: quench our thirst and guide us to have fellowship with our Lord and Saviour and through your Spirit become friends with each other!
Only when your Holy Spirit plant the seed of life in our hearts can we celebrate both your gospel and your law. 
When we hear the Good News today and when you show us the way of righteousness, imprint your life giving Word upon our hearts that we may learn to be your people. Amen.

Prayers of intercession:
Almighty God, your Son Jesus Christ has promised that you will hear us when we ask in faith:
in your mercy and love, receive the prayers we offer.

God of everlasting love, who provides all things, we pray for all people:  make your way known to them, make known your saving power among all nations. Glorify your Son amongst all peoples as Lord and Saviour and draw to you those who are lost, those who serve idols and those who are dying without the Bread of Life

Our God who is love, we commend to your fatherly care and mercy all who are afflicted or distressed in body, mind or circumstances [especially...... ]
help them according to their needs,
give them patience in their sufferings,
and deliver and heal them, o Lord, deliver them from their suffering,
for the sake of Jesus Christ our Saviour.

Most holy and most righteous Lord, defeat criminality, corruption, violence and those who cause it and are guilty of it. May wickedness come to a fall.  Redeem and deliver those who repent and seek your gracious forgiveness and bring to justice all who with hardened, unrepentant hearts embrace darkness and evil.
We pray for the nations of the world, especially those facing oppression, violence, famine, pandemics or any other disaster.

Father God, we pray for our country that there may be peace and justice and a better life for all in our land.   Guide and protect our nation that everything we do may be for the best of the beloved country and her people and to the honour of your Name.

O Lord of hosts, strengthen your people for their witness and for your work in the world.
Fill your ministers with your Spirit that they may faithfully preach the gospel and administer your holy sacraments.
Unite in the truth all who confess your Name, that we may live together in love and proclaim your glory in all the world, serving you with diligence, reverence and love.

Lord Jesus, who for our sake truly became a man even though you are the majestic, eternal Son of God:
grant your children the kindness to reach out to and share with the poor and the destitute.  Protect all who are vulnerable and grant them hope and peacefulness!

Almighty Creator, we pray for good weather, and for an abundance of the fruits of the earth. 
Enable those who are engaged in industry and commerce, the media and education, sport and the arts, to fulfil their responsibilities with integrity and an attitude of service, enabling all people and creating unity and opportunity for all who live here.

Ever living and always merciful Lord, bring glory to your Name and listen to our prayers, bless your Church and keep your children in your love,
through Jesus Christ our Lord!

Prayers at the offering:
Heavenly Father,
we know that you love a cheerful giver. We do not give to you and your work reluctantly, or under compulsion, but because of love for you and your people.
Help us to not focus so much on the treasures that moth and rust destroy, but to put first the treasures we have in heaven that never will be stolen from us.
Bless now, Lord, these gifts given for your work and bless those who gave cheerfully and with love.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

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