Friday, August 16, 2013

Liturgical Prayers for Sunday 18 August 2013.

Call to Worship:  Psalm 29: 1 -  3
Ascribe to the Lord, you heavenly beings, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.
Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his Name; worship the Lord in the splendour of his holiness.
The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the Lord thunders over the mighty waters.
Glory to the Father,
and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning
it is now
and will be forevermore!

Prayer of praise and for the forgiveness of sin!
Glorious Lord, Father of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!
We thank you that you kept and blessed us in all circumstances, and helped us, accepting us as your own, and that you spared and supported us, and led us during the past week, and through our lives.  

Father God, your people accept the grace that you bring, and commit their lives to the guidance of the Holy Spirit who empowers your children and your Church to fulfil your commission to preach the gospel to everyone. Now bring justice wherever we serve you and bring hope and light where darkness still hides your glorious reign and redemption.

Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us, for it is through your forgiveness, Father, that your Name is glorified and through our reconciliation with you in Christ, that your Kingdom comes on earth, in our lives and wherever we serve you.

As we have been washed with the blood of the Lamb, have mercy on us and make us new, imitating your holiness and following Christ with all our mind, our heart and our strength.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord!

Prayers of Intercession
Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Almighty, eternal and gracious Lord, our God.
May your Name be glorified in all the earth.

Bless us today with peaceful fellowship with you, our God, and our brothers and sisters.
Bless all the children and young people and touch their hearts and be a Father to us all, we pray. 

Heavenly Father, we give thanks for the gracious privilege to come to you today, because the meeting of your people in your Name, is none other than the house of God.  Thank you for your love and for your mercy. 

Holy God, Father in haven, listen to our prayer –
for marriages and families;
for rulers, those who govern and their officials;
for the church of Christ, our Session and Presbytery;
for the Bible Society of South Africa;
for all who are commissioned to spread your Word across the globe.

Gracious Father, in your mercy, remember the sick, the frail and the home bound and all who care for them, we pray!

During this month of August, which is Women’s Month in our country, remember Lord, women everywhere. We pray especially for all those mothers, grandmothers and sisters who work to care for family members in need while forging their own paths in life. May their loving hearts and nurturing spirits be blessed with strength and joy.

For those most vulnerable to oppression or neglect, especially women and children, we pray.
For all those who go hungry while others feast in plenty, and for those who struggle to support families in the midst of economic injustice and as a result of the greed and corruption of others, we pray

For all who struggle for the basic necessities of life - nourishing food, pure water, fresh air, and adequate housing, we pray!

Loving God, you have heard the cries of your suffering people. Open our eyes to see the immensity of your love for us and the wonder of what you have done for us in Christ Jesus, our Redeemer.
Give us the courage to be your hands and heart for those who are in pain. Give us the wisdom to speak out for justice and righteousness. May your will be done in us and through us, today and always.

We thank you for the Ladies Ministry (Women’s Associations) and the difference they make to your work, and we thank you for all the work that could be done through our mothers and sisters during past years. Bless your daughters today, Lord, have mercy on them and grant us, both your sons and daughters, your peace and your grace.

And we pray for ourselves, Father God, for this congregation that became both our spiritual home and our Christian family, when we listen to your Word today.  Grant us faith through your Spirit, and perseverance, to seek your will and do your bidding!
Comfort us through your holy Gospel, dear Lord, we pray!

In the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord, 


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