Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Inspiring message of the Advent Candles

Christ is the light for all humanity – and therefore also for you!
The lighting of the Advent candles became a trademark of Advent for many.
Advent worship and fellowship for millions of Christians are associated with the four candles lit on the four Sundays before Christmas.
There is nothing wrong with that.

We expect the coming of the light of God into our homes, our churches and most importantly, into our lives and innermost needs, desires, prayers and devotions during this Season.
We expect and pray that darkness will flee from us as Christ Jesus enters our lives, our worship and our world in a very special way during Advent and Christmas!

Jesus called himself the light of the world!
The purpose of a light is to drive darkness away.  And we badly battle with darkness every day.

We battle with the darkness of hopelessness and despondency, because when we make the calculations, our world is deeply troubled and is becoming a dangerous place to live in.
We battle with the darkness of conflict, war and even stressful competition that leads to anger, envy, jealousy, resentment and eventually hate.
We battle with the darkness of depression and a simple lack of cheer and happiness.  Our responsibilities and our concerns rob us of the enjoyment of life, and even of enjoying Christ, God’s remarkable Christmas gift to his people.
We battle with the darkness caused by loneliness, broken relationships, broken families, broken churches and communities and we experience an emotional deficiency as a result of a lack of respect, friendship, help and most of all love!

We need a Season where we light candles. A Season when we are made aware of the need to drive the darkness away. When we bring the light of Christ to a sad, frightened and lonely world.

Particularly because we know that God’s light has dawned. That Jesus came as the light of the world. That Jesus was born to overcome darkness, hopelessness, conflict and loneliness. That he is Emmanuel – God with us.

So we light the Advent candles with enthusiasm. Because we pray that Christ will be revealed during this Season as the Sun of righteousness, as Redeemer who sets us free and as conqueror who defeats our enemies.
Christ is the light for the whole human race. His light shines from Bethlehem, through the ages, in the worship and testimony of his followers.  His light shines through the faith,  love and ministry of his Church.

Therefore, light the candle of hope, that the world may know that Jesus Christ is our hope and our future, and the remedy for despondency.
Light the candle of peace, for Jesus said that the peacemakers will be blessed. Let the light of the unity and peace amongst God’s people bring hope to a world petrified by warmongers we encounter every day.
Light the candle of joy!  Enjoy the Season with lots of cheer and happiness, because you know the Reason for the season. Because you stand in awe before the Light of the world.
Light the candle of love!  Love one another, even as Christ loves us.  Drive the dark loneliness and self doubt of this world away and affirm God’s love for everyone.  Cheer up the world through loving the world!

Christ is the light for the whole human race.  Pray that Christ may reveal himself to us.  He is the Light of the world that was born in Bethlehem. And we, his Church, should reflect the brilliance of his light to make Advent and Christmas truly meaningful.

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