Wednesday, February 3, 2010


The word "saved" is a remarkable word within Christianity. It is a descriptive word that says that although we were lost, now we are found. People, whom the Lord saved, are people that he found and brought back to his family. The Lord, in his mercy, searches for us until he finds us. This is the process by which he helps us understand and accept that we are lost without Christ, and if we surrender to Jesus Christ, he found us, and we are saved.

There are not many roads that lead to salvation. There is only one way to heaven. Tragically, many do not travel on that way.

Paul writes the following about being saved: If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (Rom 10: 8-9)

To be saved means that you believe and that you confess. You believe that God raised Jesus from the dead – that he is victorious over anything and everything that made us into “lost people” and then you (sincerely) confess that he is your Lord. This is what saved people do.

There is something within us, part of our weak sinful hearts, which prefers to work for, and earn to be saved. We hope that if we could just be good enough, we will somehow be worthy to inherit God’s promise of eternal life with him.

Can someone who needs to be saved from drowning tell the life guard that he or she would rather try to swim to safety? Can someone beneath the rubble after an earth quake afford to say to the person who came to save him or her, that they would rather dig themselves out of that life threatening danger? Will anyone who became lost from Christ’s family and God’s church and who is in the dark, find the way home by themselves, without the Light, Jesus our Lord?

I completely owe my salvation to God. He saved me. Jesus Christ had to die for me, and I have to surrender to him in order to have eternal life, I have to give him my life. If I believe in my heart that God raised him form the dead and confess out loud that he is my Lord – I know that he saved me.

To quit trying to save yourself and start trusting the living Jesus, and surrendering to his Lordship, is what the Bible calls faith - faith through which we are saved.

Surrender now to him. Confess it today. Live it everyday!
There is only one way to heaven and it is not the way of human effort. It is the way of responding to God’s divine initiative. It is the way of having a personal relationship with the living Lord Jesus Christ. It is the way of surrender to the Saviour. Surrender to Lord Jesus, the Saviour, today, and you are saved.

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