Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Often church-going, conservative, religious people see it as their duty to separate them from sinners, unbelievers and all who do not share their Christian attitude. Unfortunately this is often more about defending their way of life, than defending the honour of God!

In Mark 2:13 -17 we find that the teachers of the law had a big problem with Jesus. The problem was that he called sinners to follow him and that he had fellowship with them. The call of Levi (he was also known as Matthew) to become a disciple of Jesus is an example of this. Levi was a tax collector for the Roman oppressor. Yet Jesus called him and had supper at his home.

Out of all the people Jesus could have chosen, he deliberately chose Levi, the offensive sinner. These were some of the most hated men in all Israel. They were men who had a license to steal from the people, because they could keep any money that was raised over the amount the Roman government required. So, they generally became rich men at the expense of the common people. Such a man was Levi, or Matthew. But here was a man who was also hurting inside, who knew loneliness and who needed Jesus. So Jesus called him to follow him. What a scandal it has been!

But Jesus went further. He went home with Levi to a supper where many of Levi’s friends had been invited, and ate with them. This caused a stir among the Scribes and Pharisees. How could Jesus do this? They questioned his disciples about this improper conduct. This was the general idea of these Pharisees: A good, religious person, and especially a teacher, should stay away from such company! Their position was that good, religious people should not be a friend of sinners.

But Jesus was meeting the real human need the only way it could be met. He was the physician of sinners and they needed him because they were soul-sick. They knew it, and he knew it, and that is why he was there with them.

To the self-righteous Pharisees who thought they needed no spiritual help, Jesus did not go. They did not consider themselves sick. They thought they were spiritual examples to others.
Someone who believes he or she is extraordinary fit and healthy will not go to a doctor!

So, it is only as you acknowledge your sin-sick soul that you will call on the Healer of Souls, the Great Physician, the Saviour Lord! Only by admitting my need, will I will call on Jesus to help and heal me and I will enjoy his company and joy.

Jesus saves. Not those who believe they are soul-healthy – but everyone who calls on his Name, because they know they are soul-sick, lost and separated from God!
Jesus calls even me and wants to have Supper with me! Are we willing to come, even if it requires us to change?

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