Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A Christmas Devotion - 2013

We must not overlook Luke 2:19, even though it is a small, silent verse “hiding” amongst so many grand stories about Christmas.
Luke 2: 19 teaches an important lesson.  We read there:  “But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart”.

Mary’s response to all her overwhelming experiences before, during and after the birth of her son, Jesus was to treasure and to ponder these amazing occurrences, in her heart!

On Christmas Day we will once again share the unforgettable, unique story about a fragile young mother, a loving and protecting husband, the delicate presence of a new born baby, the attention of poor shepherds and a humble manger. It tells the story that the first Christmas was an exceptionally small affair, not noticed by masses or celebrated on any impressive scale.

It was an immense event, but presented in small, humble circumstances with modest details, only noticed by unlikely witnesses sharing in the intimate moment so treasured by Mary.  
How quiet and small it seems to us who are bombarded by an image of Christmas that is huger than life, commercialised and emotional. 
How quiet and unnoticed it came and passed. 

But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart.” She protected the memory of the birth of the Saviour of the world in the only place fit for such a treasure: in her heart.  Her worship is muted; her reverence clothed with meek humility and her faith is shared with her husband and a few insignificant shepherds. 

Mary recognized a moment that led to the Son of God to rule, reign, redeem, save and conquer for our sake.

Our world greeted the Child with a manger and a cross.
God honoured him with an angel choir, a heavenly throne and eternal victory and exaltation.

Be mindful that a new life, faith, love, hope and joy come from an intimate, private and humbling experience when Jesus enters your life.  It was secretly treasured by Mary. And it carried her on a journey that passed a cross and reached a Pentecost.  

You have seen the bling, did the shopping, listened to the noise and were frustrated by the kitsch dished up in the Name of the King who was born. We all experienced these not so silent nights and celebrations!

Do not miss the small, quiet moment which is the true Christmas: the treasured and quiet moment when Jesus becomes your Companion for life. 
This is the only memory that you and your children will carry with you, always, everywhere and for evermore.

May God grant us his blessings this Christmastide.

Merry Christmas!

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