Saturday, November 30, 2013

Short liturgies for the lighting of the Advent Candles

First Advent Sunday: Good morning. During this first Season of the Christian Calendar, we are, as part of the world-wide church, reminded of the Advent of Christ, meaning his coming into our world. 

Candle light signifies Christ, the light of the world, who came to us as a Babe more than 2000 ago. 

But it is more than that! We are called to celebrate that Christ comes into our lives, our homes and our churches and that we are to prepare the way for his coming and prepare room for his staying with us. The progressive lighting of the candles every Advent Sunday symbolizes the joy of our anticipation of the Day of the Lord when he comes to complete and perfect the coming of his Kingdom in the new era in heaven and earth we are praying for.

We now light this candle—the Candle of Hope, symbolizing our longing for the Day of the Lord and our hope for the future.
Congregation’s responseCome Lord Jesus and grant us your hope, today and always!  (Candle is lit)

May our gracious God keep us ever ready and hopeful for the coming of Christ to redeem and to help us. As we worship him today, may this hope be born into our lives.  Come, let us worship God!

Second Advent Sunday!
Good morning. May God bless our worship today on this second Sunday in Advent. Think of the Baptist’s cry, urging us all to “Prepare the way for the Lord and make straight paths for him.”  In a world filled with conflict, war and violence, we hope for the day when God’s Messiah would usher in a new era of peace and justice.

We now light this candle—the Candle of Peace, symbolizing our longing for the coming of the peace of God into our lives.  
Congregation’s responseCome Lord Jesus and grant us your peace, today and always!  (Candle is lit).

May our loving God, while we pray for peace to prevail, enable each of us to work for his peace amidst the various conflicts that flourish in our lives and our world.  As we worship today, may his peace be born into our lives. Come, let us worship God!

Third Advent Sunday.
Good morning. May God bless our worship today on this third Sunday in Advent.  Remember John the Baptist’s joyful testimony about the coming Messiah.   Through the work of God’s Holy Spirit in our lives, we too are able to announce his coming into our world today and to share the joy of his presense in our lives with all around us. 

We now light this candle— the Candle of Joy, symbolizing the unfathomable joy we have in Christ.  
Congregation’s responseCome Lord Jesus and grant us your joy, today and always!  (Candle is lit)

May our loving God help us to rejoice in our salvation and may that joy fill all aspects of our lives that may we freely share it with others.  Come, let us worship God!

Fourth Advent Sunday
Good morning. May God bless our worship today on this fourth Sunday in Advent.  Remember the angel Gabriel’s proclamation that God’s love for the world would be revealed in a Child that would be born to a young woman of low estate.  From the One who came into the world on that first Christmas day, we learned the extent of God’s love and we also learned that each of us are truly beloved children of God Almighty.

We now light this candle—the Candle of Love, symbolizing our need for the amazing love of God shown through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Congregation’s responseCome Lord Jesus and grant us your love, today and for all eternity!  (Candle is lit)

May our loving God help us to be in awe because his love for each of us knows no boundaries.  May his love be mirrored in all aspects of our lives as we share his love with others. Come, let us worship God! 

Kort, vars liturgieë vir die opsteek van die Advent-kerse
Eerste Adventsondag: Goeie môre!   Vandag is die eerste van 4 Sondae wanneer ons die Advent van Christus onthou, die feit dat Christus na ons toe kom. Die vier kerse verteenwoordig die 4 Sondae en die progressiewe aansteek van die kerse is ’n simbool van Christus, die Lig van die wêreld.
Meer as 2000 jaar gelede het Hy as ’n Baba na ons toe gekom, maar Hy wil steeds na ons toe kom en ons moet die pad vir sy koms gelykmaak en vir Hom plek maak in ons lewens, ons huise en ons kerke.  Ons sien ook uit na sy wederkoms wanneer Hy al die trane van ons oë sal afvee.   

Ons steek nou die eerste Advents-kers aan, die Kers van Hoop, wat ’n simbool is van ons verlange dat Christus sal kom om ons hoop te gee vir elke dag.  
Gemeente respons:   Kom Here Jesus en skenk ons hoop vir vandag en vir altyd.

Mag die genadige God ons help altyd hoopvol te wees, omdat Christus na ons toe kom. Terwyl ons die Here vandag aanbid, mag sy hoop in ons lewens herleef.  Kom ons aanbid God!  (Votum en seëngroet volg...)

Tweede Adventsondag.
Goeie môre, mag die Here vandag ons aanbidding seën op die tweede Adventsondag. Dink aan die oproep van Johannes die Doper om die pad vir die koms van die Messias gereed te maak.   In ’n wêreld vol konflik en geweld verwag ons dat die koms van Christus in ons wêreld vrede en geregtigheid vir almal sal bring. 

Ons steek nou die tweede Advents-kers aan - die Kers van Vrede, ’n simbool van Christus en van die vrede wat Hy bring. 
Gemeente respons:   Kom Here Jesus en skenk ons u vrede  vir vandag, en  vir altyd!

Mag die liefdevolle God ons in staat stel om vredemakers te wees wat ’n verskil maak in die lewens van mense om ons – en in ons wêreld. Terwyl ons vandag aanbid, mag God ons sy vrede skenk.  Kom ons aanbid God!

Derde Adventsondag.
Goeie môre, mag die Here ons aanbidding seën op hierdie derde Adventsondag. As ons onthou met hoeveel blydskap Johannes die Doper die koms van die Messias aangekondig het, mag dit ons inspireer om Christus met net soveel blydskap met ander deel, omdat Jesus na ons toe kom.

Ons steek nou die derde advents-kers aan – die Kers van Vreugde, ‘n simbool van ons verlange na die onuitspreeklike blydskap wat ons ervaar wanneer ons Jesus ontvang.
Gemeente respons:   Kom Here Jesus en skenk ons blydskap vir vandag en vir altyd.  

Mag die liefdevolle God elkeen van ons opreg bly maak oor ons verlossing en ons inspireer om hierdie vreugde met ander te deel. Terwyl ons vandag aanbid, mag die Here ons sy vreugde skenk.  Kom ons aanbid God!

Vierde Adventsondag.
Goeie môre, mag die Here vandag ons aanbidding seën op die vierde Adventsondag. Dink aan die aankondiging van die engel Gabriël dat God se liefde vir die wêreld openbaar is deur die geboorte van ’n Baba uit ’n jong vrou van nederige afkoms. Jesus het ons geleer dat ons die geliefde kinders van die Almagtige is.

Ons steek nou die vierde Advents-kers aan – die kers van Liefde - , ’n simbool van Christus en die wonderlike liefde van God wat ons in Christus leer ken.  
Gemeente respons:   Kom Here Jesus en skenk ons u liefde vandag, en tot in alle ewigheid.

Mag die liefdevolle God ons help ons om ons te verwonder oor die grenslose liefde wat Hy vir elkeen van ons het en mag ons sy liefde opgewonde met almal deel.  Terwyl ons aanbid vanoggend, mag ons sy liefde vir ons sien.  Kom ons aanbid God!  

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