Wednesday, June 19, 2013

You do not have to fall away! The grace of God will preserve you!

You do not have to fall away! 
God's grace of preserving the believers becomes visible in and through the perseverance (continued determination?) of the faithful.  The perseverance of the believers is also called the preservation of the believers.

What is a true Christian? They are those who were called by God, have fellowship / a relationship with Christ, are renewed by the Spirit, and are set free from the reign of sin.

But why does a Christian then needs preservation? Here is an insightful truth that you should not miss:
In this life the believers are not entirely set free from the burden of sin.   We are not perfect yet. We sometimes / often - still do sinful, stupid things!
It is about this struggle that Paul speaks in Romans 7. (Read the chapter!) Paul tells us from the heart about his own difficulties with sin - as a Christian. You have heard these words before:
(Rom 7:15,19) I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. (19) For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do--this I keep on doing. Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God – through Jesus Christ our Lord!"

It was the custom of ancient conquerors to prevent the escape of their prisoners by tying a dead body to their backs. With such gruesome burdens, these poor captives could not run away. Imagine that: carrying around a dead body, a body of death
Paul compares his struggle with sin as a Christian with carrying around a body of death: "Who will rescue me from this body of death?" Paul knows the answer: "Thanks be to God – through Jesus Christ our Lord!" (Rom 7:25).

Believers can be deeply divided persons. Genuine faith and genuine sinful weakness can live side-by-side in us.  It explains why even prominent church members sometimes embarrass themselves, the church and most of all, their Lord!

Christians need the preserving grace of God in their hearts and lives, because in their own strength they would fall away from salvation. The body of death we carry will certainly become too much for us to bear! But God preserves his children. They are not perfect yet. This is why God needs to preserve them in the faith and in salvation or all will be lost and none would be saved. But, by the grace of God we are preserved, therefore we can persevere, in spite of even shameful things that happened!

Can you not carry the body of death anymore?
You are a believer, right? Well, having faith is good. It helps. But it’s not enough.
You need God’s Word and God’s mercy and grace. Someone must help you! And there is help available, thanks be to God – through Jesus Christ our Lord! (Rom 7:25).
Never neglect your relationship with God! Never put Christ on the back-burner!  Never think – I will pray again tomorrow or go to church next week...
You and I desperately need the preserving grace of God.

We need Jesus to help us.  And only Jesus can!

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