Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Ascension Day 2013

Ascension Day 2013
People in authority must have thought that this Christian celebration is not important to Christians in South Africa and the result is that it is not a public holiday anymore! 
May this political decision not keep us from fellowship and worship on this glorious day!
Because without the Ascension of Christ, the Gospel is incomplete.
And we do not need the state’s permission to glorify our exalted Lord.

On Ascension Day, 9 May 2013, we remember the enthronement of Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God and Christ our Saviour - enthroned in heaven as the King of kings and the Lord of lords  -  and that to him has been given all authority in heaven and earth.  He is worthy to open the scroll, the plan of salvation, and make it happen all over the world.  He is worthy of our love and praise.

So, it is a very important day to all Christians.  The future of God‘s work and his Church is at stake  -  for only by the power of Christ that rose from the dead, and rose to heaven, do we have a future, do we have hope and can we have faith.

The church meets on this day first of all for the sake of God - for his glory, his honour and the wellbeing of his work and Kingdom. That we may worship him who gave his Son the power to rule and reign for our benefit and salvation, to lead his Church amidst danger, temptation and challenge, to intercede for us and prepare for us an eternal home with his Father.

Yet we also meet for each other’s sake.
The least we can do is to encourage one another to serve the living Lord.  The least we can do for each other is to show our love by being one in worship, in obedience and in labouring for our Lord.

For there is no King without a people. There is no people without all that follow Christ worshiping, praising and exalting him in fellowship with each other, seeking to glorify his Name as we work for the coming of his Kingdom in the lives of people, of communities, of nations – to the ends of he earth.

Let’s pray that all God’s people will on Ascensions Day, and always, testify of the enthroned, almighty, exalted Christ that the world may know he is alive and he is Lord of all and that we found redemption and unity in him!

Lord Jesus, only you are worthy!
We celebrate you, because we love you.

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