Monday, July 23, 2012

The strength of a waiting believer

"...Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint"  Isaiah 40: 31.

The strength of a waiting believer.
God’s promise to us is that if we wait upon the Lord, he will renew our strength. A literal translation would be that we "exchange" our strength.
As we wait upon God – in other words draw near to him with hope and in faith, trusting expectantly in him as our resource, he will impart his strength to us. We know that we often run out of strength and the promise is that God will exchange our tiredness with the strength he gives.  What an exchange it is!

There are times when the Lord calls upon us to run and then we "will run and not get tired." There are other times when we must simply march and then we "will walk and not become faint (tired)."
What a promise!
And the secret is in waiting upon the Lord.
Let’s draw near to him today!

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