Monday, March 19, 2012

The envy of the priests

Because Pilate believed Jesus was innocent, he offered to release Jesus. The reason given was, according to Mark15: 10, "For he was aware that the chief priests had delivered him up because of envy."

The envy of the priests kept them from receiving Jesus as Christ and Saviour.

Envy is a powerful emotion. It drives a person to do terrible and ungodly things in order to pursue selfish gains and purposes. To envy is to desire to have what someone else has. Envy is an evil and resentful desire to have the blessings someone else enjoys. It leads to lies, gossip, division, anger and hatred.

This is the desire the religious officials felt towards Jesus. And just as envy kept them from Jesus, so it can keep you from him. Beware of it.

Instead of envy, we must have humility.
Instead of disappointment in God, we must replace it with surrender to his perfect, sovereign will for our lives.
Instead of cowardice, we must have boldness.
And instead of prejudice, we must have love:

The love that comes from God through Jesus Christ, our Lord!

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