Monday, October 25, 2010

Willing to pay the price for ministry!

Ministry is another word for service. The Apostle Paul had a passion for ministry, because he knew that it meant allowing God to use him for God’s purpose. Do you see serving God for the sake of the church, as a calling and a ministry? Do you have a passion for serving God? If we want to make a difference in people’s lives, we need to become passionate about this service.
We must know that to be used by God, we must be willing to even pay the price of ministry.

Paul says: (Colossians 1:24-25) I rejoice in what was suffered for you... for the sake of the body of Christ, which is the church. I have become its servant by the commission God gave me to present to you the word of God in its fullness.

If we desire to be used by God, we must know that it will involve sacrifice. If we are going to follow Jesus in suffering for the sake of the Church, then we, like Jesus, must be willing to pay the price required for our choice, and the price may even include suffering.

Paul knows for certain that his suffering as part of his service for the Lord had meaning. If the work we do for the Lord is even worth suffering for, we rejoice that the sacrifices we make produce something that matters. And we, the church of the Lord, work for a reason worth sacrificing for, even worth suffering for. The reason is the cause of Christ.

If we desire a life that counts and makes a difference, we will volunteer for duty. We will step out in faith. We will be determined to live a life dedicated to serve God and serve others. Then we will make a difference in this world for God. Our lives will count for a lot. It will touch others. It will bring glory to God’s Name.

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