Monday, December 21, 2009

Advent excites us about going to heaven!

Most people have only a blurred idea of what living in heaven and on a new earth will be like.
But what is the future then for those who are followers of Jesus?

The Bible says that God will one day restore his perfect rule over the universe through his Son, Jesus (Eph 1:10). Every form of evil, corruption and tyranny will be destroyed. Sickness and death will be no more. There will be no more disappointment or frustration or pain. Everything that stands against God’s purposes will be completely destroyed.

Instead, people will enjoy the fruit of their labour. “They will build houses and dwell in them; they will plant vineyards and eat their fruit” (Isa 65:21). They will enjoy a world of perfect peace, righteousness and justice. We will enjoy perfect relationships and real community. What will guarantee this future, is that God will live with his people and be with them forever.

For the Christian, heaven will be the home towards which we look forward. It will be our promised land, the place of rest and abundance. It will be a wedding feast. It will be the security, companionship and riches of a great and perfect city.

What the Bible presents is only a glimmer of what that future glory will be like (1Cor 13:12, Rom 8:18). But God’s word calls us to always set our hope on that day when Jesus returns (1Pet 2:13, Col 3:4). We are called to think often about this future hope like travellers, like pilgrims and pioneers, looking forward to the day when we will finally be at home with the Lord (2Cor 5:7).

Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the King of this coming kingdom, to bring everlasting peace and to reign over God’s glorious dominion with us, his bride, for ever! Let’s then celebrate his birthday with due gladness and reverence on Friday. Let’s not allow anything or anyone preference to the One whose birthday it is!

Go to church on Christmas Day! Take the family and all your guests and sing with the angels:
Luke 2: 14 - "Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to men on whom his favour rests."

(Why don’t you take some time this week to meditate on some of the Biblical pictures of heaven in the following passages: Isaiah 65:17-25, Revelation 7:14-17; 21:1-22:5?)

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