Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Perseverance - a matter of life and death!

Do not do something stupid today!

A member of the Christian church commits suicide. "How can such a thing happen?" We ask. "He was a pillar of the community, an elder of the church, someone respected for his faith. So how could he do this?"
A member, elder or minister of the church commits adultery. "How can such a thing happen?" We ask..
A member of the church is charged with theft. "How could she have done this?"
A member of the church, a professor of theology, is caught with child pornography on his computer. "How could he have done that?"
A member, elder or minister of the church is charged with sexual abuse. "How could this have happened?

All of the above happened in South Africa during the first 10 months of 2009. How do we explain it that Christians have actually done horrible things? This is not the first time nor will it be the last time that God's people ask questions such as these. I think it happened since the time of the Apostles.

Take a look at Abraham, the man of faith. Out of fear he lied to Pharaoh and said Sarah was his sister. It was Pharaoh, the pagan, who asked, "What have you done to me? Why didn't you tell me she was your wife?" (Gen 12:18). In other words, "How is it posiible that you, a child of God, can do this?"
Take a look at David, the anointed king in God’s service. He was an adulterer and a murderer.
Remember Peter. He was praised for his confession of Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God. Jesus called him a rock and said that on this rock he would build the church. And then this rock denied Jesus three times. "How is this possible? How could he have done something so appalling?"

The only way to deal with this, is in terms of what the church fathers called the “perseverance of the believers”. Christians are called to persevere in faith and salvation. In other words, God preserves his children, so that, although they fall, they are not lost.

The perseverance of the believers is also called the preservation of the believers. God's grace of preserving the believers becomes visible in and through the perseverance of the faithful.

Seriously consider this story: An old man was cutting down tree branches to make up a bundle for his fireplace. When it was large, he tied it up, and attempted to lift it on his shoulder, and carry it away; but, finding it very heavy, he laid it down again, cut more wood, and heaped it on; and then tried again to carry it off. This he repeated several times; always adding something to the load, after trying in vain to raise it from the ground.
The pile of wood became bigger and bigger. The old man attempted to lift it, but in vain; it was now far beyond his strength to raise. His feeble legs staggered under their burden; the remains of his strength were fading away; the darkness of death was gathering around him; and, after a convulsive attempt to lift the pile, he fell down and died.

In the foolish old man we see those, who, being made aware of the burden of their sins and weakness, still attempt to save themselves, to persevere and remain children of God in their own strength! Continuously adding to their burden until it is too heavy to carry; and then, in despair of God's mercy, and with no glory in sight, lie down to die.

What is a true Christian? Who are those that God preserves in faith and salvation?
Are they those who achieved perfection?? No!
No, they are those who were called by God, have fellowship / a relationship with Christ, are renewed by the Spirit, and are set free from the reign of sin.

But why does a true Christian then needs preservation? Here is a profound truth that you should not miss:
In this life the believers are not entirely set free from the burden of sin.
It means: We are not perfect yet. We sometimes / often - still do filthy, stupid things!!

It is about this issue that Paul speaks in Romans 7. (Read the chapter!) Paul tells us from the heart about his own difficulties with sin - as a Christian. You have heard his words before:

(Rom 7:15,19) I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. (19) For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do--this I keep on doing. Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God – through Jesus Christ our Lord!"

Now consider this: It was the custom of ancient conquerors to prevent the escape of their prisoners by tying a dead body to their backs. With such gruesome burdens, these poor wretches could not run away. Imagine that: carrying around a dead body, a body of death.

Paul compares his struggle with sin as a Christian with carrying around a body of death: "Who will rescue me from this body of death?" Paul knows the answer: "Thanks be to God – through Jesus Christ our Lord!" (Rom 7:25).

This tells me of a horrifying feature of the Christian life. Believers can be deeply divided persons. Genuine faith and genuine wickedness can live side-by-side in us. It certainly explains the behaviour of Abraham, David, and Peter. And it certainly explains why even prominent church members embarrass themselves, the church and most of all their Lord!

Christians need the preserving grace of God in their hearts and lives, otherwise they will in their own strength fall away. The body of death we carry will certainly become too much for us to bear!

But this is the truth: God preserves his children. They are called by God, have fellowship with Christ and are renewed by the Spirit. They are set free from the reign of sin.

Yes, they are not yet perfect. This is why God needs to preserve them in the faith and in salvation or all will be lost and none would be saved. But, by the grace of God we are preserved, therefore we can persevere, in spite of shameful things that happened!

Have you done something terrible – something you cannot bear to carry anymore. Are you sick with shame, with guilt, with fear? Can you not carry the body of death anymore?
You are a believer, right? Well, having faith is good. It helps. But its not enough.
You need God’s mercy and grace. Someone must help you! And there IS help available, thanks be to God – through Jesus Christ our Lord! (Rom 7:25).
Jesus can help! Only Jesus can!!

Call on the Name of Jesus! Ask him to help you carry the body of death!
You need God! You need God to take the guilt, the shame and the fear away, today!!

Let any Christian friend, pray with you, battle with you!
GOD PRESERVES YOU FOR HIS KINGDOM. That is why you will be able to persevere!

Thanks be to God – Jesus can help you with the body of death.
Jesus helps with everything.


Donsie said...

Eye opener!! Thank you!!!

Andries Combrink. said...

Thanks for your feedback - it is a matter of life and death! Therefore its good if our eyes are open regarding this comfort!