Monday, October 6, 2008

The Oppression ended

When Jesus came into the world our oppression by sin ended. When Jesus comes into your life, your domination by sin, ends.
When we enter into an intimate walk with Jesus, we no longer live under the threat of judgement and we are no longer owned by sin, a tyrant that seeks to hurt and destroy us.

When Jesus comes into our lives, a new power is in operation within us – the comforting power of the Holy Spirit that sets us free from the brutal cruelty at the hands of sin and death.

Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world! (Jn 1:29).We are not only forgiven our sins, we are also set free from being enslaved by its malicious despotism. We are bought by the precious blood of the Lamb and we are free to love and serve God.

May you be blessed this week when you hold on to the certainty that there is power, power, wonder-working power in the precious blood of the Lamb.

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