Friday, September 28, 2012

Is our Church music still biblical and spiritual?

True Worship is biblical and spiritual... 
John 4: 23-24  "Your worship must engage your spirit in the pursuit of truth. That's the kind of people the Father is out looking for: those who are simply and honestly themselves before him in their worship. God is sheer being itself—Spirit. Those who worship him must do it out of their very being, their spirits, their true selves, in adoration." (The Message Translation)

When you visit churches, you realise that most churches, especially “big” ones, place a lot of emphasis on worship through singing and that a common practice seemed to have developed to lead people to worship.  It consists first of all of songs of thanksgiving, followed by praise and finally worship. It seems that the extent of the success of this process is believed to be largely determined by the way the worship team leads them.  Is there still an expectation of a gracious touch of Gods Spirit left, with so much emphasis on the technique of musicians and the skill to engage emotionally with people?

It looks as if the “quality of the performance” of musicians and the worship group became more important than anything else.  To me the most worshipful experience still is where you can only see the words to be sung on a screen, (the worship group and band, or organist or pianist, not central, perhaps even behind the congregation). I find it much easier to focus on God, than in those congregations where the musician or the “band and singers” is the central focus point of the service (taking up a central position liturgically speaking, outdoing the Lord’s Table, the pulpit and the baptismal font in the “competition” for attention and focus.)

Where the worship groups are less prominent, and liturgical symbolism remains in place, you are not distracted by what the members of the team are wearing, how they play the instruments and how they express their own worship through their body language. Where you see less of the performance of the worship leaders, it is easier to see more of Christ.

Our heart's desire must be to lead God’s people to truly worship the Lord with the expectation that as we do this, as we engage in the pursuit of authenticity in worship, we will also become more motivated to surrender our lives to the Lord.

To worship while you engage your spirit in the pursuit of truth (reinforcing biblical teaching through lyrics); to worship out of our very being, our true selves, in adoration (focussing on God, rather on an entertaining performance of the worship group), we should seek God’s presence, also when we sing, through the Word and the Spirit, rather than through the emphasis on style, fashionable music trends and performance.

Here are some guidelines:
Through the work of the Holy Spirit, express love for the Father in Jesus Christ;
Pray to be delivered from the worldly distraction of “how well we perform musically” as first priority;
Seek to be humble and sincere in desiring to come into the presence of God and express that humility through the choice of music and style;
Test each song in terms of its content with the question: “Is the teaching biblical and Christ centred; 
Do not be distracted from the main purpose to worship God by zeal for my own preference of style, beat, sound, instruments or hymn book;
Mainly try to understand how through practice, style and choice of hymns and songs, we can remain authentic and inspire adoration, and only as an afterthought ask how we can produce great music too. 

Will you all ask the Lord with me to be delivered from selfish reasons why we love singing in church – reasons of self satisfaction and the need to be entertained, - and pray to serve him because we acknowledge our need to be renewed by his sovereign grace, when we come to church!

And pray that God will bless those who lead with a desire for his anointing and with true adoration of God in Jesus Christ our Saviour.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

God's Awesome Trade, (4) by Theo. "We don't belong here!"

God's Awesome Trade - series by the Rev Theo Groeneveld, Emmanuel Presbyterian Church.
A Trader is a new kind of Missionary
- not defined by Geography -
but willing to apply the parable of the Good Samaritan  and to go and do likewise.
A Trader is intentional with their
 time, talent and skills.
They trade-in their pursuits for His pursuits.
They trade in time, money and comfort for a world that needs Christ.

And  now more:
We don’t belong here!
"I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them. 14 I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world. 15 My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. 16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of it."   John20:13-16

Whenever John uses the word John uses the word "World" in his gospel and his letters, he is almost always talking about a SYSTEM and not a physical place or location.

In his thinking, the "kosmos" is dominated by darkness, evil and Satan and is opposition to God.

Maybe today we would describe "kosmos" as rampant materialism. The folk at the Right Now Campaign have described "kosmos" as the "New American Dream" where "more", "mine" and "supersize" are the keywords.
The "kosmos" is a system - a system that places me and my pleasure at the centre.

In our passage Jesus is praying for us. He is talking to God and He indicates that He has lived  in the system and the system will soon crucify Him because He has not played by its rules. The system doesn't have room for those who do what God wants instead of "more", "mine" and "supersize."

Jesus wants us to be "IN" but not "OF" the world.
We are to be traders:
trading "more", "mine" and "supersize"
for "love", "serve" and "sacrifice."

It is a tough challenge - but Jesus has prayed (and continues to pray) for our protection.
Will you be a trader?

Monday, September 24, 2012

Love divine, all loves excelling

Love divine.
(Inspired by a hymn by Charles Wesley  -  1707 - 1788)

Love divine, all loves excelling,
joy of heaven, to earth come down.
Jesus, make in us your dwelling,
all your faithful mercies crown!
Christ, divine, with love excelling,  
for God’s peace and rest renowned.

Breathe, O breathe your loving Spirit
into every troubled mind!
Let us all in Christ inherit,
rest in God, our Saviour find!  
Loving Spirit, friendly Spirit,
every trembling heart unwind!

Come, Almighty, to deliver,
let us all your life receive;
to our Lord return and never,
nevermore your temple leave.
grateful praise you, boldly thank you,
tribute, praise and honour give.

Finish in us your creation:
pure and holy, free and new.
Let us see your great salvation:
graciously restored in you;
lost in wonder, praise and worship,
found in love, divine and true!

One of Charles Wesley’s most loved and well known hymns reworked to be a bit more contemporary and to be sung on the melody of “Glory be to God, the Father”.)  

Sunday, September 23, 2012

God's awesome trade (3) - by Theo "Loss"

(Traders is a series by the Rev Theo Groeneveld 
of Emmanuel Presbyterian Church in the east of Pretoria, South Africa).

A Trader is a new kind of Missionary
 - not defined by Geography -
but willing to apply the parable of the Good Samaritan  and to go and do likewise.
A Trader is intentional with their
 time, talent and skills.
They trade-in their pursuits for His pursuits.
They trade in time, money and comfort for a world that needs Christ.
If anyone else thinks he has reasons to put confidence in the flesh, I have more: 5 circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; in regard to the law, a Pharisee; 6 as for zeal, persecuting the church; as for legalistic righteousness, faultless.
7 But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ.
8 What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all
things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ   Philippians3:4-8

Paul was a trader!
He traded all the earthly milestones and monuments (genealogy, education, achievement and position) for the awesome privilege of having, knowing and gaining Christ.

Many people have spoken and written about the Greek word for "rubbish" that Paul uses in v.8. According to my Greek Dictionary, the word means "dung", "smelly garbage", "excrement" and implies "contemptuous rejection."

But I am interested in the other word, the noun "loss" ('zemeian'), that Paul repeats twice in this passage. The same word also appears as a verb
("lost") in v.8. The noun form of this word also appears in Acts 27 in connection with the shipwreck that Paul is in on the way to Rome. In the account Paul assures the captain and the crew that the ship and cargo will suffer loss, but that all lives will be spared.

In Afrikaans we talk about "aardse goed" (earthly things) when we have a break-in or accident or some other disaster. We remind ourselves that our "stuff" is temporary and temporal. What matters is people and what matters is our character and our soul.


Paul would rather have Christ, know Christ and gain Christ.

Are we hanging onto stuff and hubris when we should consider them as "loss" and "rubbish" in the light of Christ???

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

God's Awesome Trade (2) - series by the Rev Theo Groeneveld.

God's Awesome Trade - series by the Rev Theo Groeneveld.
A Trader is a new kind of Missionary
 - not defined by Geography -
but willing to apply the parable of the Good Samaritan  and to go and do likewise.
A Trader is intentional with their
 time, talent and skills.
They trade-in their pursuits for His pursuits.
They trade in time, money and comfort for a world that needs Christ.

En now:
Know that life is a gift;  or trade the things you cannot keep, for the things you cannot lose!
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of
the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.    James1:17

Traders know that life is a gift.
They don't hold on to life too tightly.
They understand that ownership is over-rated and over-reaching.

I had a friend who said this about owning land: "How bizarre it is to think that we can own a piece of God's earth!" We think we buy things that we can possess with money we have earned from our work. But where did the talent, health, ability and oxygen that we breathed while we worked come from?

Traders understand that all we are is a gift from God, that all the opportunities that we have come from Him,  that all the good circumstances that we experience are from Him.
Even our ability to praise God comes from the music, poetry and revelation that He gives us!

Life is a gift.  We can't claim it as ours and it is bizarre to hang on too tightly.
When we go through life with an attitude of giftedness, when we develop an attitude of gratitude, it becomes easier to SHARE.

Someone (I can't remember who) told a story of taking some rice to a very poor family in a very poor area. He was taken aback when the mother of the home grabbed the rice and then ran out of the shack. As he was about to leave in disgust, she returned and thanked him for the gift. He asked her where she had rushed off to and she answered that two of her neighbours were also struggling to feed their families and so she had divided her rice into three and shared with them.

God's generosity in giving us life, breath, opportunity and then His Son and His Spirit should inspire us to trade the things we cannot keep, for things we cannot lose.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Be grateful under all circumstances!

This photo shows some of the food that our members yesterday brought to church for a feeding scheme of a less privileged congregation.  It was our Harvest Thanksgiving service.

Psalm 100 says, “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; enter his gates with thanksgiving!” To worship the Lord with joyful thanksgiving is something we choose to do. And the reason we choose to do so, says the Psalm is, “The Lord is God. It is he that made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
We are not merely grateful in general. We are grateful to someone: to our God.

But some of us are going through tough times, and then the reason for our thankfulness is not so obvious. Yet, even if we don’t have what someone else has, we still have enough for a joyful, thanksgiving life, because the truth that God has made us means that God values us and takes care of us.  This is the main reason for our gratefulness and gladness.

Whatever makes us suffer or is our problem, we are not trapped in it.  We are going through it, yet, we are not facing it on our own. God is with us. We do not lack anything!

When we respond to God’s gracious, caring love with thanksgiving and joy, a renewed relationship with him grows and prospers and we will hear the encouraging words from Jesus:  “Get up and go on your way; your faith has made you well.” (Luke 17: 11-19

Faith in Christ as revealed by a grateful heart will change our relationship with God.  Eternal salvation has an immediate component.  Salvation right-now means that, because we are gratefully open to God’s love and help in our lives, we will be able to handle whatever life sends our way.
And for God’s help, we are grateful.  God values us, provides for us and keeps us going. 
Even in depressing circumstances.  

Thursday, September 13, 2012

SCOTTISH FAIR, Centurion, South Africa - 27 OCTOBER 2012

For exciting information about the Scottish Fair, please click on the link above.

27 October 2012, from 09:00 - 16:00.

Scottish bands and dancers!
Flea Market   various  stalls
Snacks / Food stalls
Braai Tent and Café
Kiddies activities and family fun
Raffle’s and BIG prizes!

Would you like to have your own stall?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

God's Awesome Trade (1) - by Theo Groeneveld.

New Devotional series.
With his permission, I am going to use for our Wednesday Devotions a series written and published by the Rev Theo Groeneveld of the Emmanuel Presbyterian Church ( in the east of Pretoria.  The series touched my heart and I pray that it will touch yours as well.

God's Awesome Trade  - By Theo Groeneveld.
This series of devotions is a concept I was exposed to at the "Right Now Campaign" ( and involves being a TRADER.

Here's a working definition:
A Trader is a new kind of Missionary
 - not defined by Geography -
but willing to apply the parable of the Good Samaritan  and to go and do likewise.
A Trader is intentional with their
 time, talent and skills.
They trade-in their pursuits for His pursuits.
They trade in time, money and comfort for a world that needs Christ.

Hope you are stimulated by the series!
For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15 And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again...
21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might
become the righteousness of God.   2 Corinthians 5:14-21

Why should I be a TRADER?
Why should I trade my time, talent and skills for His purpose rather than my own?

BECAUSE God did an even bigger trade!
- The Sinless One - the Son of God - took on our sin and gave us His righteousness.
- One Person - God's own Son - died (effectively again and again and again) for each of us.
- He died our death so that we could live for Him. He made a life that we did not have before, available for us!

Before this trade, we were only able to live for ourselves: Selfish, Materialistic, Temporary.
Now, because of the trade He made, we can TRADE the things that will not last for things that will last forever.
I want to be a TRADER!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Jesus is the only Way

(John 14:6) "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

Jesus tells us here that there is only one path that leads to God. All paths do not lead to God and heaven. Only one path does. And that path is Jesus. 
All that we need is Jesus. 
What does Jesus have in mind when he says he is the only Way? The Way is not a following of traditions or the learning of teachings about Jesus. This is not what Jesus said. The Way is Jesus himself.

The Way is a Person. The Way is to follow Jesus day by day. To follow the Way, you need to love the Lord Jesus with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. The Way is to live for Jesus in everything we do. The Way is to obey the Great Commission: To go and share the Good News of Jesus Christ, the only Way, with the rest of the world. 

Jesus is the Way to the Father. He is the Way to the Father's house where he is preparing a room for us (John 14:2).

Because of his death and resurrection, Jesus is the Way of Salvation.
Through loving him, living for him and obeying him, we journey on the Way of salvation until we come home to his Father’s house.
Jesus is the Way, because he died for our sins and rose again to grant us everlasting life.